Construire une communauté à travers

Merrimack Valley est là pour la fabrication

WeAreMV is a regional marketing and economic development initiative that features properties, projects, successes, and business opportunities in the Valley. Here you will find a one-stop resource with municipal contacts, zoning designations, community information, and properties available for sale and for lease. We are here to support businesses that create a prosperous and resilient economy in the Merrimack Valley. The Merrimack Valley Economic Development Corporation (MVED) is currently designated as a Regional Economic Development Organization (REDO) charged with business development and assistance. The primary goal of the REDO is to enhance the overall economic well-being of the Merrimack Valley through attracting and retaining businesses, encouraging entrepreneurship, and fostering innovation. This work includes outreach to businesses across the region, learning about their operations and identifying challenge areas where the state and municipalities can provide assistance.

Nos partenaires

Notre mission

La Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC) cherche à favoriser la communauté et la collaboration pour répondre aux préoccupations régionales communes. Nous facilitons la planification et le développement conjoints de nos 15 communautés membres ainsi que l'amélioration du bien-être général de nos résidents de la ville et de la ville, le tout avec la plus grande efficacité, économie et coordination possible.

The Merrimack Valley Economic Development Corporation (MVED) is organized exclusively to manage and operate programs aimed at improving the economic and social conditions of the Merrimack Valley and its residents. As a nonprofit community development corporation, MVED provides business loans to both small and large employers throughout the region in an effort to foster long-term resiliency, job creation and retention, and local entrepreneurship.

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Notre histoire

Construit sur les principes de l'histoire, de l'industrie et de la technologie, WeAreMerrimackValley est le résultat d'une collaboration entre des organisations partageant les mêmes idées. En 2004, la Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC) a été approchée par la Chambre de commerce du Grand Haverhill pour développer un site afin de promouvoir le développement économique dans la ville de Haverhill.

Le projet a été lancé sous le nom de Haverhill Means Business. Ce projet initial a conduit à étendre l'initiative avec la Chambre de commerce de Merrimack Valley en 2006. Merrimack Valley Means Business a ensuite été créé pour soutenir toute la région de Merrimack Valley, qui comprenait le site HMB d'origine. Ce projet régional a abouti à un site Web primé et technologiquement avancé qui a fièrement évolué en - un logo, une marque et un site Web revitalisés.

In 2018, the Merrimack Valley Gas Disaster generated an immediate need for business recovery assistance in Andover, North Andover, and Lawrence. In order to address the challenges caused by this crisis, a new Targeted Economic Development Strategy (TEDS) program was piloted in 2020 with the help of the Essex County Community Foundation and the Lawrence Partnership. When the Covid-19 national emergency impacted the region, there was a greater need for business recovery assistance across the Merrimack Valley. In 2022, the MA Office of Business Development (MOBD) designated MVED as a Regional Economic Development Organization (REDO) tasked with expanding this work to aid in the economic recovery of the entire Merrimack Valley region. This work continues today alongside our local and state partners to create long-term regional economic stability and resiliency.

Support en cours

The work of the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission is made possible thanks to an annual grant from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) under the U.S. Department of Commerce. EDA seeks to drive innovation and competitiveness, preparing American regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy. As a Regional Economic Development Organization (REDO), we partner with the Massachusetts Office of Business Development (MOBD) to support businesses seeking assistance from the Commonwealth. Through this partnership we facilitate regional projects that grow businesses and the Massachusetts economy. We are proud to work with EDA and MOBD to support and promote business within our region.