Former Hess Gas Station

  • 1 Kenoza Ave, Haverhill, MA 1830

  • Property Type Land
  • For Sale Price $344,900
  • Report Date 2020-01-01
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  • Real Estate Agency
    Marathon Petroleum Company LP
  • Agency Phone
    phone_icon_blue (419) 422-2121


  • Address 1 Kenoza Ave
  • City/Town Haverhill
  • Proximity to Downtown 0.2 Miles
  • Distance to Interstate 1.6 Miles

Property Details

  • Property Type Land
  • Public Transportation Yes
  • Average Weighted Rent Withheld
  • For Sale Price $ 344,900

Zoning Details

  • Economic Target Area Yes
    Three or more contiguous census tracts in one or more municipalities that meet certain criteria for economic need, including: unemployment rate, household income, poverty rate, plant closings/layoffs, and commercial vacancy rate. Businesses expanding or locating in designated ETAs are eligible for substantial financial incentives including investment tax credits, building and municipal tax incentives, substantial property tax savings and more through the Economic Development Incentive Program (EDIP). More Info
  • Priority Development Area No
    Area of existing, compact development or that is suitable for future high-density development. PDAs are appropriately zoned as commercial, industrial, or mixed-use and have existing infrastructure in place. These areas are high priority for grants and incentives locally and at the state level. More Info
  • 40R Smart Growth District No
    Chapter 40R is also known as the Smart Growth Zoning Overlay District Act. A 40R District includes dense residential or mixed-uses, with a high percentage of affordable housing units, located near transit stations, in areas of concentrated development such as existing city and town centers. More Info
  • Opportunity Zone Yes
    The Opportunity Zones incentive is a new community investment tool established by Congress in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 to encourage long-term investments in low-income urban and rural communities nationwide. More Info
  • Chapter 43D – Expedited Local Permitting Yes
    Created to promote targeted economic and housing development. Chapter 43D: 1) Provides a transparent and efficient process for municipal permitting; and 2) Guarantees local permitting decisions on priority development sites within 180 days. More Info
  • Historically Underutilized Business (HUBZone) Area Yes
    The primary goal of the HUBZone program is to create incentives for the U.S. federal government to do contracting with businesses that operate and create jobs in communities with statistically proven economic needs. More Info
  • City/Town Zone Type CC
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